Realization of high voltage and high output transformers through use of appropriate devices!
- High voltage power supplies
- High voltage transformers
- OA Device
Solution and proposal content
We were approached for a consultation from a customer who “wanted to realize high output (24 W) transformers”.
The existing DC cast molded transformer lineup at the time only went up to about 10 W, so based on customer needs we investigated high output devices and realized high voltage, high output transformers through use of appropriate devices.
*Product information pages
Achievement of reduced power consumption through the application of PST proprietary construction methods and technologies. Also contributed to longer usable life.
- Magnet rolls
- OA Device
- Reducing power consumption
- Increasing usable life
- Special specifications
Solution and proposal content
The issue was “the achievement of strict power consumption reduction targets for multi-function printer units”.
In order to achieve reduced power consumption, it was necessary to reduce the rotation torque in the developing machine section, and magnetic characteristics (magnetic waveforms) that allowed for load reduction were vital for making it possible to reduce rotation torque. We were thus able to contribute to the achievement of customer targets by realizing magnetic waveforms suited to reducing power consumption through formation of individual parts in accordance with the magnetic poles using PST’s proprietary construction methods and individual magnetization control technologies. Reducing the load also contributed to improvements in the usable lifespan.
*Product information pages
Contributing to EOL countermeasures through recreation of the magnetic characteristics of magnet rolls from a different manufacturer.
- Magnet rolls
- OA Device
- Reducing power consumption
- Special specifications
Solution and proposal content
The issue was that “supply problems were occurring because of a decrease in the numbers of magnet roll manufacturers”.
In order to deal with an increase in EOL resulting from a decrease in the number of manufacturers, we had to recreate the magnetic characteristics (magnetic waveforms) of a different manufacturer. We were thus able to contribute to the resolution of supply problems by recreating the magnetic waveforms of the other manufacturer through formation of individual parts in accordance with the magnetic poles using PST’s proprietary construction methods and individual magnetization control technologies.
*Product information pages
Standby efficiency improved. Before:70%→After:85% (at 100 V input)/81% (at 200 V input)
- Switching power supplies
- OA Device
- Reducing power consumption
Solution and proposal content
The customer had the problem that “power consumption during standby was high, but there were legal and regulatory requirements for improving standby efficiency (U.S.: Energy Star, Europe: Blue Angel)”.
If the input voltage is high, the dissipation of the circuit internal components will also be high during normal operation, so the standby efficiency can be increased by improving the efficiency of the circuit consuming power and optimizing the components.
*Product information pages
Downsizing achieved by switching from an open circuit transformer to a cast molded transformer. This also improved reliability.
- High voltage power supplies
- High voltage transformers
- OA Device
- Environmental, health, and hygiene related equipment
- Downsizing
- Improving reliability
Solution and proposal content
The customer wanted to “downsize sets”.
The customer was using open circuit transformers, with a rectifying circuit and other high voltage circuits mounted on the board, making it difficult to downsize and still achieve the required insulation distance. As a solution we improved the insulation properties by switching the transformer winding, rectifying circuit, and other high voltage parts to cast molded resin types, making it possible to downsize. The void-less resin cast molding also improved reliability.
*Product information pages